Art Display

A lot of people ask me what I do with all Everlyn’s artwork. I used to just hang the most recent ones on the refrigerator and then put the ones I want to save for her into an art binder but my fridge was filling up too quickly so I created an art wall in her play area. Yeah, I rearranged my house to give her a play room.


This is her playroom and her art wall. I just used double-sided tape to attach some clothespins to the wall and wrote “Everlyn’s Art” above it. Her wall can hold 6 small pieces of art or 3 large ones.

The art in the picture is one of her most recent projects, her color rainbow. I used blue painters tape to spell out each color and had her finger paint each one the appropriate color. I like this one because even though she can’t read yet, it is subconscious word/color association.

While I was setting up this project I was calling her over to the table like, “Everlyn! Everlyn come here! Come on Everlyn!” and she was just ignoring me until finally I said, “Everlyn do you want to color?” and she came running over and tried climbing up into her high chair where she does her art. To her “color” means paint, color, stamp, etc. I think I have created a little art monster.

We did do another art project but I can’t post about it yet because we made it for someone and they haven’t received it yet so I don’t want to spoil the surprise.

As I’m writing this she has brought me over crayons, markers and painters tape… I can tell what she wants to do instead of taking her nap.

St.Patricks Day Art

We did our St. Patrick’s day art a little early. Now that she is getting a little older and used to me painting her, we were able to do more handprint art instead of footprint art.

For the first one, I let her scribble on a piece of paper with a few different color green crayons, then I cut it out into the shape of a shamrock. I glued that to green construction paper, and used white crayon to write “Mommy’s Lucky Charm.”march3

For the second one, I tried making a shamrock with her handprints but it didn’t really come out the way I wanted.march

And for the third I used her handprints to create a rainbow. I cut out a pot of gold out of black construction paper and used pom poms I had that had gold on them. You can use anything for the gold though, those gold coin candy wrappers would work well but I didn’t have any of those. This is one of my favorite projects we’ve done.march2