Everlyn’s Birthday

Everlyn’s First Birthday was yesterday.  I want to share with you the things I made for her party. They are all very simple and gave the party a very special personal touch.

IMG_6027I made this wreath out of balloons. I bought a styrofoam ring from Michaels for about six dollars. Then all I did was use sewing pins to pin the balloons into the foam wreath. I added some ribbon on top, printed out a picture of Everlyn for the middle and voila, finished. Everyone loved the wreath and it was incredibly easy to make. The wreath does end up being very heavy though so make sure you have something sturdy to hang it with.


IMG_6028For the water bottles, I printed out a design on some cardstock paper, used masking tape to cover the paper so it wouldn’t bleed, and then tied some ribbon around the top. It was a very simple and quick way to add a personal touch.




IMG_6032Everlyn made this decoration herself. I taped a “1” on watercolor paper with blue painters tape and then Everlyn finger painted. When the paint was dry, I removed the tape. A personalized decoration made by the birthday girl.






IMG_6039To make sure the cake smash photos looked extra cute, I decorated Everlyn’s high chair with some crete paper. Then I sponged some color onto circles that I had written her name on with blue painters tape. I taped the circles onto the high chair.






IMG_6017 I also wanted to add a personal touch to the food. Instead of doing a regular veggie platter, I put veggies into small cups with ranch dressing in the bottom of half of them.







IMG_6019 These watermelon pops were a hit. I cut watermelon into triangles and used a knife to cut through the thick green later, then I was able to stick a popsicle stick into the watermelon. The kids loved these. They were easy for them to eat and delicious. Also I made fruit kabobs. I just put small pieces of fruit onto kabob sticks. Easy!



IMG_6016 Everyone loved these lady bug crackers, but they did take forever to make. We used Ritz Crackers with a garlic parmesan cream cheese. Then I cut small tomatoes in half for the wings. Olives are also cut in half for the head. I used chives for the antennas. The black dots are the cream cheese with a LOT of food coloring mixed in to make it dark. I had to use a toothpick to dab the dots onto the tomatoes. These need to be made right before the party though. I made them the day before and the crackers were mushy the next day. We put another cracker with cream cheese underneath right before the party so people could pick them up without them breaking.





IMG_6041 Here is Everlyn’s smash cake that I made myself. I will post the recipe I used for this sugar free cake on a separate blog.






1959937_10201995452503426_2031726290_n I made all the cupcakes myself. I used resees, frosting and cinnamon drops to make it look like a tiny cupcake on top of the cupcake.









IMG_6018 I made three different kinds of cupcakes, sugar free with sugar free miracle whip and fruit topping for the babies, gluten-free for my brothers girlfriend, and regular cupcakes.









IMG_6020 Here is just a picture of the food table with everything on it.






IMG_6024 I obviously didn’t make this, but we used this little book as a guest book for everyone to sign and wish Everlyn a happy birthday.






IMG_6022 I also made each party favor.









IMG_6023 I used baby food jars, filled them with M&Ms. I cut fabric into circles and hot glued the pieces onto the baby jar kid. Then I used ribbon to tie around the top, and put a small thank you note on there. These were a good way to recycle baby food jars and a cute touch to end the party.