4th of July Art

Everlyn did some art for the 4th of July this week!


For this first one she just put a blue handprint on paper. I used marker to draw the red lines. This is a super simple and quick project if you don’t have lots of time.


This flag was entirely finger painted by Everlyn. Anything white I just used painters tape to block before she painted. I cut the tape into stars for the blue and placed whole strips for the white stripes.


This is just another finger painting. I just splattered some red, blue, and sparkly silver on a big piece of thick watercolor paper and let her go at it. She loves to finger paint. It kind of looks like fireworks to me.


This one is my favorite. I saw something similar online and decided to make my own version. I used footprints for the lines of the flag since they are easier to do than handprints. I used the same foot to make it easy and used the same hand with blue paint to make the stars on the flag. This was surprisingly easy to do and even my boyfriend was impressed with it!

Have a happy and safe 4th of July!

Easter Art

Everlyn and I did some Easter art today to begin the month of April.
This one is Everlyn’s Easter bunny. I used purple finger paint to paint her feet and pressed them onto white paper. On another sheet of paper I cut out and glued two purple circles for the head and body of the bunny. Then I cut out Everlyn’s footprints and placed them to make the bunny’s feet and ears. I cut out white paper and used black marker for the eyes. I glued those onto the bunny and used black marker to draw the nose, mouth and whiskers.
Here is our Easter chick. I glued two yellow circles onto white paper for the head and body. I used orange finger paint on Everlyn’s hands to make the chicks feet, and yellow paint to make the wings. I cut out white circles and used black marker for the eyes. I then glued the eyes and a small triangle of orange construction paper for the beak. I make the chick a girl with a purple bow cut out of construction paper and used yellow marker to draw some hair.
Here are Everlyn’s Easter eggs. She used marker and crayon to scribble on white paper, I cut it out into Easter eggs and used green construction paper, cut up and wrinkled to look like grass. In retrospect, I should have used a blue background or something to look like sky, but I added the grass last minute. Anyway, I like the way it turned out.

Birthday Handprints

.hand These are more for Mom or Dad to make. All I did was trace Everlyns hands and cut them out on white paper. I filled each handprint with all words describing her at age one and glued them onto some construction paper. I used this as one of the decorations at Everlyn’s birthday party and then put it into her baby book.

Art for Auntie

When my aunt saw the footprint guitar I made for Barry, she asked me to make her one too since she is also a musician. So we made her the footprint guitar and a few other works of art to send to her.


Similar to the guitar I posted previously but with some design around it. I took a little extra time and made the notes actually read twinkle twinkle little star.


Since it was for my aunt I called this one Aunties Angel.  The body is a footprint and the wings are handprints. We used Crayola washable finger-paint. I used marker to draw the heart head and halo. I used crayon to write on it. We used hard cardstock paper.


We made handprint flowers also, but I called them roses since pink roses were my grandmothers favorite flower. I didn’t even plan it this way, but my aunt received the artwork on my grandmother’s birthday, how special!

unnamed3Lastly I just had Everlyn do a little finger painting on hard cardstock paper and had her scribble on another sheet of paper. I cut the scribbled paper into a heart and glued it onto the finger painting once it was dry.

My aunt absolutely loved these and now my mom wants me to make her some as well!

St.Patricks Day Art

We did our St. Patrick’s day art a little early. Now that she is getting a little older and used to me painting her, we were able to do more handprint art instead of footprint art.

For the first one, I let her scribble on a piece of paper with a few different color green crayons, then I cut it out into the shape of a shamrock. I glued that to green construction paper, and used white crayon to write “Mommy’s Lucky Charm.”march3

For the second one, I tried making a shamrock with her handprints but it didn’t really come out the way I wanted.march

And for the third I used her handprints to create a rainbow. I cut out a pot of gold out of black construction paper and used pom poms I had that had gold on them. You can use anything for the gold though, those gold coin candy wrappers would work well but I didn’t have any of those. This is one of my favorite projects we’ve done.march2