My Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day this year was hard because as I’ve mentioned, my boyfriends mom just recently passed away. I was so surprised, though, when he left the house at 6 AM in the morning and went and bought me flowers. This is the second time in the 5 years we’ve been dating that he has gotten me flowers so it was extra special and meant so much to me. I also managed to do an art project with Everlyn on Mother’s Day to make myself a gift from her. I made a handprint flower canvas bag. I am so in love with it and use it instead of my bulky diaper bag now. I just used fabric paint on her hands and the same blue painters tape to make the hearts, which I later painted yellow.



For my mom I bought one of those decorate your own mug kits for $1 at Michaels, painted Everlyn’s hands and placed two handprints on the mug. In between the handprints, I wrote Everlyn Loves Grammy with the paint and paintbrush the kit provided. I baked the mug and now the paint is permanent. Instead of buying my mom flowers, I traced Everlyn’s handprint and cut out a few copies of it on different colored construction paper. I used yellow pipe cleaners to poke a hole in the handprints, bent the yellow into a loop and then attached that to green pipe cleaner. This created the center of the flower and the stem. I also cut green construction paper into the shape of leaves, poked a hole in those with the green pipe cleaners already attached to the handprints, and slid the leaves up to the top. This created a very cute flower look. I filled her mug with these flowers, using brown construction paper to hold it all together inside the cup.




To remember Cade’s mom on mother’s day, I painted a flower pot white and then used Everlyn’s footprints to create butterflies. In between the three butterflies, I wrote Grandmomma, Terri, and Mom to recognize the names we each called her. Once it was dry, we used outdoor paint, I filled it with dirt and planted some flowers. We also made a nice stepping stone with a kit from Michaels to put outside with the flowers.



Handprint Bouquet


Here is a picture of the artwork Everlyn made for her Godmother Tiffany, and photos of Tiffany with Everlyn and her godson. This is the only picture I have of the art since I forgot to take a picture before I gave it to her.

We used a large canvas for this that I got at Michaels in a 5-pack very cheap. First I used blue painters tape to tape a large piece of paper over the center of the canvas, leaving about an inch of open canvas around all sides. I had Everlyn finger paint the canvas (and the paper in the middle, just for fun). Then once the border was dry, I cut blue painters tape into small hearts and placed them where I wanted the handprint flowers to go. I used washable finger paint to put Everlyn’s handprints over the hearts. The best part about using the finger paints on canvas is that baby wipes wipe the paint right off while its still wet, so if you mess up, which we did, you can wipe off the whole handprint and start over.

After putting all her handprint flowers on the canvas I pulled off the painters tape hearts and filled in the white hearts with yellow paint. Then I added stems and painted a vase underneath. I found this quote online and just used regular marker to write it.

I thought the bouquet of flowers would be pretty difficult, but being able to wipe off the paint and try again really helped. The flowers came out better than I thought they would. If only I had better handwriting this could have been perfect! But her godmother loved it and so I was happy with how it turned out.

Art for Auntie

When my aunt saw the footprint guitar I made for Barry, she asked me to make her one too since she is also a musician. So we made her the footprint guitar and a few other works of art to send to her.


Similar to the guitar I posted previously but with some design around it. I took a little extra time and made the notes actually read twinkle twinkle little star.


Since it was for my aunt I called this one Aunties Angel.  The body is a footprint and the wings are handprints. We used Crayola washable finger-paint. I used marker to draw the heart head and halo. I used crayon to write on it. We used hard cardstock paper.


We made handprint flowers also, but I called them roses since pink roses were my grandmothers favorite flower. I didn’t even plan it this way, but my aunt received the artwork on my grandmother’s birthday, how special!

unnamed3Lastly I just had Everlyn do a little finger painting on hard cardstock paper and had her scribble on another sheet of paper. I cut the scribbled paper into a heart and glued it onto the finger painting once it was dry.

My aunt absolutely loved these and now my mom wants me to make her some as well!