My Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day this year was hard because as I’ve mentioned, my boyfriends mom just recently passed away. I was so surprised, though, when he left the house at 6 AM in the morning and went and bought me flowers. This is the second time in the 5 years we’ve been dating that he has gotten me flowers so it was extra special and meant so much to me. I also managed to do an art project with Everlyn on Mother’s Day to make myself a gift from her. I made a handprint flower canvas bag. I am so in love with it and use it instead of my bulky diaper bag now. I just used fabric paint on her hands and the same blue painters tape to make the hearts, which I later painted yellow.



For my mom I bought one of those decorate your own mug kits for $1 at Michaels, painted Everlyn’s hands and placed two handprints on the mug. In between the handprints, I wrote Everlyn Loves Grammy with the paint and paintbrush the kit provided. I baked the mug and now the paint is permanent. Instead of buying my mom flowers, I traced Everlyn’s handprint and cut out a few copies of it on different colored construction paper. I used yellow pipe cleaners to poke a hole in the handprints, bent the yellow into a loop and then attached that to green pipe cleaner. This created the center of the flower and the stem. I also cut green construction paper into the shape of leaves, poked a hole in those with the green pipe cleaners already attached to the handprints, and slid the leaves up to the top. This created a very cute flower look. I filled her mug with these flowers, using brown construction paper to hold it all together inside the cup.




To remember Cade’s mom on mother’s day, I painted a flower pot white and then used Everlyn’s footprints to create butterflies. In between the three butterflies, I wrote Grandmomma, Terri, and Mom to recognize the names we each called her. Once it was dry, we used outdoor paint, I filled it with dirt and planted some flowers. We also made a nice stepping stone with a kit from Michaels to put outside with the flowers.

