
I’m frustrated today. I hate getting bad advice. I don’t know whether to smile and nod and say “okay, I’ll try that,” or try to explain why that idea sucks. For example, someone says to me, “You know, I would just put my baby in the sink and she would sit there for hours while I cooked and cleaned happy as a clam.” Now, I know immediately this would not work for Everlyn. First, she would crawl out of that sink in 2 seconds, she doesn’t ever sit still, and if she wasn’t able to get out she would scream and fight. Or someone says to me, “have you tried putting kids movies on the TV? So-and-so will sit and watch movies all the time.” Again, what don’t you understand when I say she doesn’t sit still? She has to be doing something constantly.

I get advice about getting her to sleep through the night all the time. She is almost a year and has only slept through the night a handful of times. People tell me to put her in her crib and let her cry it out. I’ve tried it. She’s screamed in her crib for over an hour until I have to come in and remind her to breathe. She is stubborn and persistent. “Cry it out” doesn’t work. I’m sick of hearing it. If you feel the need to give me advice come up with something new.

When I say she is a really fussy baby and very difficult and everything I get a response like, “well, honey, babies cry.” Thank you. I know babies cry. Everlyn cries sometimes when she wants or needs things, but most times she screams bloody murder until she turns purple and stops breathing for absolutely no reason. How does someone who has never experienced that understand it? I don’t think they do. Unless you have had a baby like that and gone through it, your advice on he matter sucks. And unfortunately, well, fortunately for them, I don’t know many people who have had babies like mine.

Don’t even get me started on Everlyn. She will pull out all the stops to make people think she’s such a great and easy baby. She smiles and sits still and is such a heavenly angel sometimes. Oh, she’s an actress for sure. But they don’t see her behind the scenes. They don’t even believe me when I tell them how she can be until they see it for themselves. Maybe I’m just irritated right now because she was up ALL night and then woke up this morning so happy like nothing happened. I’m exhausted. If bags under your eyes was considered attractive I would be SMOKIN.