Finger Paint Designs

Adding a name or a design onto a finger painting project is so simple. For this project, I used a large canvas and washable tempura finger paints. I cut some blue painters tape and used the strips to write out Everlyn with tape on the canvas. I squeezed on some paint and let her get to it. Once the project was dry I pulled off the painters tape and voila, there was her name on her own finger painting project.


You can do this with anything. For Christmas I cut out small hearts on the painters tape and placed them onto computer paper. I then used a stamp pad to cover Everlyn’s hand in ink and placed her handprint over each heart. When I pulled the tape off (yes it came off computer paper without ripping it) there was a small heart in the middle of her handprint. I cut these out and made them into ornaments for the family.


This was Everlyn’s first finger painting project and is hanging on her wall in her bedroom. Who knew all you needed was some painters tape to make projects extra special?